Statistiche Pane al pane - Pane al pane

nuvola - Pane al pane

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Se io fossi
una nuvola dorata
andrei a posarmi
sulle casette
dei poveri,
andrei nel cielo
davanti al pittore
che mi sogna
dietro ai peschi in fiore.
davanti alla finestra
o sopra il campanile
d'una chiesetta
andrei dov’io manco
per fare bello
un paesaggio.
Andrei non so dove
a tutte le ore
per dare un po' di luce
a chi l'aspetta
e un po' d'amore.           (1955)

If I were
a golden cloud
I would go and lay down
on the cottages
of the poor,
I would go to the sky
in front of the painter
that dreams of me
behind the peach blossoms.
I would go
in front of the window
of the hospital
or above the bell tower
of a medieval
small church,
I would go where I am missing
to make beautiful
I would go, I don't know where
at all hours
to give some light
to those who wait for it
and a little love.      

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